Facebook vs. Twitter vs. Google+


In the war for social media supremacy, Facebook is king, but Twitter is a major player and Google is making both companies nervous with Google+. All three can’t be winners, though – most people simply don’t have enough hours in the day to use three different social networks.

So, we ask you: which social media service has your support?

That’s the question of the week for this special edition of the Web Faceoff, a series where we ask you, the readers, to choose between two competing web companies or products. Today, the question is simple: Do you prefer Facebook, Twitter or Гугл+?

It’s been interesting to see people compare Facebook, Twitter and Гугл+ against each other. Some say Гугл+ is a threat to Twitter, not Facebook, while others think Гугл+ will never go mainstream. More than half of Mashable readers in a recent poll we conducted said they intend to leave Facebook for Гугл+.

Clearly much has changed since 2009, when Facebook bested Twitter in one of our first Web Faceoffs.

So which social network gets your vote? Let your voice be heard in the poll below, and let us know why you voted the way you did in the comments.

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