OMD ‘dreamier’ employer than Facebook


Media agency OMD has ranked above Facebook as this year’s ‘dream employer’, alongside media giants Google, Microsoft and Apple, a new survey has revealed.

OMD, which was the only media agency in the top 20 ranked employers, maintained its spot at number seven for the second year, beating Facebook which squeaked in at number 19, according to the 2011 Dream Employers Survey undertaken by Insync Surveys and RedBalloon in partnership with Drake International.

Apple sat fifth and Microsoft sixth, while Гугл was ranked as the overall most attractive employer.

The survey was open to a public vote and uncovers the most desirable employers in Australia and New Zealand, as well as the key attributes of 'winning' organisations.

Results showed that pay, benefits and conditions are now priorities, with work-life balance being the key to happiness for employed people.

Naomi Simson, founding director of Red Balloon said: “Rewards and recognition are vital in attracting, developing and retaining key talent, and having a great company culture and high levels of employee engagement will be crucial once the attraction of a fatter pay cheque has worn off”.

The survey explores issues including employee retention, attraction, attrition and employee advocacy. It also covers gender and generational workforce differences, how organisations can stay strong in the face of adversity and staff satisfaction initiatives.

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